
Wednesday, 10 April 2019

The Guest speakers.

Today the 10th of April Team 5 had a Guest Speak Careers.This story will explain things like What do you want to be when you grow up,and also it will explain things about yourself.1st we had one lovely male that was named Jason Young.Jason Young was someone that loved building Jason young also liked playing Rugby that is Amazing.Jason was Born in Auckland Glenn Innes.

We had one Female that was named Fiona.Fiona was someone that worked for Funeral director and she also loved helping people and she also takes Care for people that needs help.Fiona was someone that is kind to others and she is someone kind to others..Fiona works 24 hours a day which is so SHOCKING!!

Last we had Tanielu.Tanielu was someone that played for the Blues He was also someone that liked playing Rugby.Tanielu loved being kind to others when he was young he also played for P.E.S when he was Young.

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